Foreclosed Homes Explained

Navigating the world of real estate can often bring you face-to-face with various terms and concepts, one of which is 'foreclosed homes.' Understanding what foreclosed homes are, how the foreclosure process works, and the intricacies of buying these properties can be crucial for prospective and current homeowners.

What is a Foreclosure?

Foreclosure is a legal process where a lender attempts to recover the balance of a loan from a borrower who has stopped making payments by forcing the sale of the asset used as the collateral for the loan, which in most cases, is the home. In Boise and across Idaho, foreclosure laws and processes can vary, making it essential to understand local regulations.

The Foreclosure Process

Missed Payments and Notice: Foreclosure typically begins after a homeowner misses several mortgage payments. The lender issues a notice of default, which is a public notice declaring that the terms of the mortgage have not been met.

Pre-Foreclosure: After the notice of default, the homeowner enters a period known as pre-foreclosure. During this phase, the homeowner can either pay off the debt or sell the home. This period varies but can last 90 to 120 days.

Auction: If the debt remains unpaid, the lender may put the home up for auction to recover the unpaid loan amount.

Post-Foreclosure: If the property doesn’t sell at auction, it becomes a real-estate-owned (REO) property, owned by the lender.

Types of Foreclosures

Judicial Foreclosure: Involves the sale of the mortgaged property under the supervision of a court, with the proceeds going first to satisfy the mortgage, then other lien holders, and finally the borrower if any proceeds remain.

Non-Judicial Foreclosure: Occurs outside of court. The lender can foreclose the property as per the deed of trust.

Buying a Foreclosed Home

Purchasing a foreclosed home can be an opportunity to buy a property below market value, but it comes with its complexities.

Research: Understanding the local market and the status of the foreclosed property is vital. This includes any legal and financial claims against the property.

Inspections and Appraisals: Foreclosed homes are typically sold ‘as-is.’ Conducting a thorough inspection and appraisal is crucial to assess the property’s condition and value.

Financing: Securing financing for a foreclosed home can be challenging, as lenders may see it as a riskier investment. It’s important to have your financing in order before bidding or making an offer.

Navigating the Purchase: The process of buying a foreclosed home can vary greatly depending on whether it's in pre-foreclosure, an auction property, or an REO. Each type requires different strategies and considerations.

The Role of Real Estate Agents in Buying Foreclosed Homes

Working with a real estate agent who has experience in foreclosed properties can greatly benefit buyers, especially in the Boise area. Their role includes:

Market Knowledge: They can provide insights into the local foreclosure market, helping you find properties that meet your criteria.

Navigating Complex Processes: Experienced agents can guide you through the complex process of buying a foreclosed home, from identifying potential properties to closing the deal.

Access to Listings: Agents have access to foreclosure listings and can help you find properties that aren’t widely advertised.

Negotiation Skills: Skilled in negotiation, agents can help you navigate bidding at auctions or negotiating with banks for REO properties.

Handling Paperwork: Foreclosure purchases involve significant paperwork, which an experienced agent can help manage.

Pros and Cons of Buying Foreclosed Homes


Lower Prices: Foreclosed homes are often priced below market value.

Investment Potential: These properties can be excellent investment opportunities, especially if you plan to renovate and resell or rent them out.

Less Competition: Foreclosed homes might attract fewer buyers, reducing competition.


As-Is' Condition: These properties often come with repair and renovation needs.

Complicated Processes: Buying a foreclosure can involve more steps and complexities than a traditional home purchase.

Potential for Additional Costs: Hidden costs, such as unpaid taxes or liens, can add to the expense.

Final Thoughts

Buying a foreclosed home in Boise can be an investment opportunity, but it comes with unique challenges and complexities. Understanding the foreclosure process, the types of foreclosures, and how to navigate purchasing such properties is crucial. The assistance of a seasoned real estate agent with experience selling foreclosed homes is strongly recommended. 

Related: Tips for Dealing With a Bidding War as a Home Buyer

King & Edge Real Estate Agents in Boise, Idaho

As experienced Boise real estate agents, we are honored to have the opportunity to serve you and be a part of your real estate journey. Let us guide you towards a successful and rewarding experience, where your goals become our goals, and your vision becomes a reality. Contact us today and discover the unparalleled service and expertise that sets King & Edge Real Estate apart as we help you sell your home in Boise or find your place to call home.

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Stacey King Boise Real Estate Agent

Raised in a family engaged in custom building and real estate appraisal, Stacey was destined for a career in real estate. Moving to Boise in 2010, she developed a deep love for the area, purchasing her first home in 2016, a step that ignited her passion to help others experience the transformative power of homeownership. Stacey has built her business on integrity, exceptional client experience, meaningful relationships, and community investment. She dedicates a portion of each commission to support local and global charities, with a special passion for the Women’s and Children’s Alliance, aiding victims of domestic abuse. Stacey’s commitment to her clients and her community has paved the way for enduring friendships and a fulfilling career.