How to Buy a House in Boise in 2023

Purchasing a home holds a significant place in the cherished American dream. The concept of owning a property where you can create lifelong memories, raise a family, and leave a lasting legacy for future generations is deeply meaningful.

However, the process of buying a house has become increasingly complex, especially in the current real estate landscape. To simplify and guide you through the journey, let's delve into a step-by-step breakdown of how to navigate the home buying process in 2023.

Understand Your Finances

As a first-time homebuyer in 2023, embarking on thorough research should be your top priority. Considering that purchasing a home may be the largest financial investment of your lifetime, it is crucial to make a well-informed decision that aligns with both your personal preferences and financial goals.

To begin, it is essential to determine:

Home Specifications: Clearly define the type of home you desire, taking into account factors such as square footage, desired features, and inclusions. Having a clear vision of your ideal home will help narrow down your search and ensure you find a property that meets your needs.

Location Preferences: Consider the location where you wish to buy a home. Evaluate factors such as suburban or metropolitan areas, as they can influence property prices. Additionally, proximity to quality schools and the overall neighborhood can impact home values. Identifying your preferred location will streamline your search and help you focus on areas that align with your lifestyle and priorities.

By establishing your non-negotiables regarding the type of home and preferred location, you can lay a solid foundation for your home buying journey and avoid aimlessly shopping without clear objectives.

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When to Buy a Home in Boise

Timing is crucial when it comes to buying a home, and the optimal period is typically during a buyer's market. In simple terms, this refers to a market condition where homebuyers have the advantage due to more favorable market pressure compared to sellers. During a buyer's market, there is typically an abundance of available homes, providing homebuyers with a broader selection to choose from. The high supply and demand dynamics compel sellers to be more open to negotiations and meeting buyers halfway to facilitate transactions.

One of the key advantages for homebuyers during a buyer's market is the potential for lower-than-average home prices, or at least prices that are more reasonable compared to recent months.

Conversely, a seller's market occurs when there is high demand and low supply, resulting in higher home prices. In such a market, homebuyers may face limited options and will likely need to pay more as sellers hold greater bargaining power.

Ideally, it is advisable to time your home purchase during a buyer's market. If you're uncertain about the current market conditions, it's recommended to seek guidance from a realtor or real estate agent who can provide insights on whether it's advantageous to buy a home now or wait for a more opportune time.

How Much Money do you Need to Buy a Home in Boise?

Carefully analyze your budget to determine the amount you can afford to spend on a property. When obtaining a mortgage, you generally need a minimum down payment of 3% of the home's asking price. Consider this down payment as a lump sum that demonstrates your commitment to paying off the mortgage over time and reassures the home seller of your seriousness.

If you're a veteran, you may have access to special mortgage loans that do not require a down payment. However, these loans are not common. It is still advisable to make a substantial down payment if possible, as it can lead to a lower interest rate and reduce your monthly mortgage payments.

Your monthly mortgage payment is closely tied to the terms of your initial mortgage agreement, especially for conventional loans. If you aim for lower monthly payments and favorable mortgage rates, it is beneficial to contribute a significant amount of cash toward the purchase price, even if you use credit cards. However, it's important to conduct a cost-benefit analysis to evaluate if paying with a credit card is advantageous. While there are potential risks, there can also be benefits.

This principle applies to other expenses like property taxes, private mortgage insurance (PMI), and additional costs associated with homeownership.

Don't overlook closing costs. Typically, these costs range from 3% to 6% of the total property value and cover various fees involved in finalizing a real estate transaction, such as attorney fees and title insurance costs.

For example, let's say you intend to buy a home valued at $350,000. In most cases, a 3% down payment on $350,000 amounts to $10,500. Additionally, you should account for closing costs, which can be estimated at around 4.5% of the property value. In this case, 4.5% of $350,000 is $15,750. Therefore, you should plan to have approximately $26,250 available to purchase the $350,000 house, taking into consideration both the down payment and closing costs.

While you can negotiate closing costs and explore options for a smaller down payment, it is advisable to save more than the required amount. Doing so enables you to outbid other interested parties and secure the home swiftly while maintaining a comfortable financial position.

Work With the Best Real Estate Agents in Boise

To effectively navigate the process of buying a house in 2023 and beyond, it is highly recommended to engage the services of an experienced and trusted Boise real estate agent.

Real estate agents possess expertise in home buying and have a deep understanding of the local market. They can guide you through the search process and identify properties that align with your specific requirements in your desired location.

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Imagine you are seeking a home with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a spacious yard for your dog. Instead of spending time browsing online listings or driving around aimlessly, you can simply communicate your criteria and preferences to a real estate agent.

The real estate agent, or team of agents, will utilize their access to the market and multiple listing services (MLS) to compile a tailored list of suitable homes. They will reach out to the sellers, organize property tours, and present you with options that best match your needs.

In essence, real estate agents streamline the process of finding your ideal home, making it significantly easier and more efficient. Their expertise and resources accelerate your search, ensuring that you find the perfect property in a timely manner.

Get Preapproved for a Mortgage

Obtaining mortgage pre-approval is a crucial step that should not be overlooked when buying a home in the greater Boise area. It involves securing a commitment from a lender, such as a bank or credit union, indicating their willingness to underwrite a loan for you based on factors such as your credit history, financial profile, or existing relationship with the institution.

The significance of mortgage pre-approval extends beyond just peace of mind. It also expedites the mortgage lending process, giving you an advantage if you come across a home you adore and need swift financing to outpace other potential buyers. Pre approval ensures you can access the necessary funds promptly, allowing you to secure your desired property.

However, it's important to note that preapproval is typically limited to a specific loan amount. While a bank might preapprove you for a $400,000 loan, they may not extend the same preapproval for a $500,000 loan.

Nevertheless, a preapproval letter demonstrates your financial readiness and serves as a valuable asset during your house hunting journey, regardless of the prevailing real estate market conditions. It showcases your seriousness as a buyer, reassuring sellers that you have the necessary funds available and enhancing your prospects in the competitive housing market.

Related: What is a Contingent Offer in Real Estate?

Start Searching for Your Dream Home

At this stage, it's time to embark on the process of exploring and touring homes for sale around Boise that are currently on the market, typically with the guidance of your trusted real estate agent.

Keep in mind that you are not obligated to settle for any of the homes your agent presents to you initially. If none of the properties align with your requirements, feel free to request alternatives. While real estate agents won't endlessly search for options, many genuinely strive to secure the best deal and discover the perfect property for you and your family.

As you visit homes in 2023, it's important to heed the advice provided by your real estate agent. They can offer valuable insights, such as whether specific features or amenities are challenging to find, and provide guidance on the optimal timing for your purchase.

For example, if your agent suggests making a prompt offer on a particular house due to its high demand, it's wise to take their advice seriously. Failing to act promptly could result in missing out on a desirable property due to hesitation.

Remember, your real estate agent is there to support you throughout the home-buying process and leverage their expertise to help you make informed decisions. Listening to their recommendations and acting accordingly can increase your chances of finding and securing an appealing property.

Make an Offer

Your next important step is to select the house you wish to purchase and present a competitive offer to the seller. However, it's crucial to understand that what constitutes a competitive offer in 2023 can vary significantly depending on the location and market conditions.

So, what makes a good offer?

Typically, you should aim to make an offer that aligns with the prices of similar homes in the area or the listing price set by the seller. Nevertheless, there are exceptions to this unwritten guideline.

In certain cases, you may be able to make a slightly lower offer if you offer to pay a significant portion or the majority of the purchase price in cash. This can be advantageous for the seller as it provides immediate access to funds.

It's advisable to consult with your Boise real estate agent to determine what they believe would constitute a strong offer. They can provide valuable insights into market competition and assess whether other buyers may be offering higher amounts.

Remember, your real estate agent can provide valuable guidance and help you navigate the negotiation process, taking into account market dynamics and your specific circumstances in relation to the home you are putting an offer on.


Negotiation is an essential aspect of purchasing a home in 2023, so don't shy away from it. Embrace the process, as it is necessary for reaching favorable terms. One common area of negotiation revolves around determining who will bear the majority of the closing costs.

As mentioned earlier, closing costs encompass a range of fees, insurance payments, and commission fees for the involved real estate agents. Typically, the party that benefits the most from these costs is responsible for paying them. For example, you, as the buyer, would cover your real estate agent's commission, while the home seller would typically handle the inspection fees (more on that below).

However, you have the opportunity to negotiate with the home seller to have them cover some or all of your closing costs. This can be particularly effective if you can offer other advantages, such as purchasing the house with cash or demonstrating your ability to close the deal swiftly.

Remember, negotiation is a dynamic process, and the outcome will depend on multiple factors. Working closely with your Boise real estate agent, who can provide expert guidance and negotiate on your behalf, will increase your chances of reaching a mutually beneficial agreement.

Appraisal and Inspection

Regardless of the amount you offer, it is crucial to prioritize scheduling a home inspection and appraisal as early as possible when purchasing a property in 2023. In this case, it is recommended to arrange the home inspection first.

During a home inspection, a licensed inspector will thoroughly examine the property to ensure its overall condition, assess the integrity of its foundations, and identify any undisclosed major issues that could impact your offer or influence your decision to proceed with the purchase.

Once the inspection is complete, the inspector will provide you with a detailed report outlining their findings. It is essential to carefully review the report and ensure that there are no significant concerns before proceeding further.

Following the home inspection, it is advisable to schedule an appraisal. A licensed appraiser will evaluate the value of the property by comparing it to similar homes in the area, commonly referred to as "comps." This assessment helps determine whether the seller has listed the home at a fair and competitive price.

If the appraisal report indicates that the home is valued significantly lower than the listing price, it may be appropriate to return to the negotiating table and request a price reduction from the seller. It is possible that the seller may resist this request.

In the event that the seller is unwilling to sell the property at a reasonable and fair price, it may be prudent to walk away from the negotiation and explore other property options. Even in a seller's market, there are likely other houses available that will meet your needs without requiring an overpayment.

Remember, conducting thorough inspections and appraisals provides you with valuable information and empowers you to make informed decisions during the home-buying process.

How Important are Home Inspections?

It is strongly advised not to proceed with a home purchase if the seller insists on skipping the inspection and appraisal steps. This could be a red flag indicating that they are attempting to deceive you into buying a property with hidden issues or significant problems that may require substantial additional expenses in the future.

Furthermore, it is important to note that most mortgage lenders typically require a thorough inspection and appraisal as part of the loan application process. Lenders are cautious about financing the purchase of a property that may have extensive problems, as this could potentially jeopardize the borrower's ability to repay the loan.

By conducting inspections and appraisals, you are not only protecting yourself from potential financial burdens but also complying with the requirements set by mortgage lenders. This ensures that you have a clear understanding of the property's condition and value before finalizing the purchase, making it a prudent and responsible approach to home buying.

Loan Application

Once you've reached this stage and everything appears to be in order, it's time to initiate the loan application process with a bank, credit union, or another financial institution. Since you have already obtained preapproval, the loan application should be a relatively straightforward and efficient process. However, it is crucial to complete all the required paperwork meticulously and thoroughly to ensure nothing is overlooked.

If all goes smoothly, you can expect to receive loan approval within a few days. This will enable you to finalize your offer with the home seller and progress to the final stages of the home-buying process.

In the event that you do not qualify for any mortgage loans, consider taking steps to improve your creditworthiness while exploring alternative financing options. By proactively working on enhancing your credit or exploring alternative means of funding, you increase your chances of successfully securing the necessary financing to proceed with your home purchase.

Final Property Check

You're in the final stretch. It's now essential to conduct a final walk-through and thoroughly inspect the property before completing the purchase.

In 2023, it is crucial not to overlook this step. Always take the time to visit the property one last time before finalizing the purchase to ensure that the seller hasn't attempted any deceptive actions. Verify that all appliances and electrical outlets are in working order, and carefully examine the yard, doors, and windows for any issues.

Should you discover any concerns with your prospective home during the final walk-through, promptly communicate them to the seller and request necessary repairs or resolution before the closing date.

Close on Your New Home

When it comes to purchasing a house, the financial aspect is significant, involving substantial sums of money. To ensure a secure and transparent transaction, the funds are typically held in a third-party escrow account, chosen by your mortgage lender. This arrangement provides a layer of protection for both the buyer and seller, ensuring that the funds are properly handled and disbursed according to the agreed terms.

Once all the necessary conditions and requirements are met, and the deal is ready to be finalized, the funds held in the escrow account are transferred to the designated destination, which is typically the home seller's bank account. This process ensures a seamless and efficient transfer of the funds, completing the transaction and enabling the seller to receive the payment for their property.

The use of an escrow account adds an extra layer of security and trust to the home buying process. It acts as a neutral intermediary, safeguarding the funds until all contractual obligations have been fulfilled. This provides peace of mind to both the buyer and the seller, as they can proceed with confidence knowing that their financial interests are protected throughout the transaction.

By utilizing an escrow account, the homebuying process is streamlined and reduces the risk of fraudulent activities or mismanagement of funds. It serves as a reliable mechanism that ensures the smooth transfer of funds, instilling confidence and facilitating the completion of the purchase.

Overall, the use of a third-party escrow account in the homebuying process is a fundamental step that promotes transparency, trust, and financial security. It acts as a bridge between the buyer and seller, enabling the safe transfer of funds and facilitating a successful and satisfying conclusion to the real estate transaction.

Move In

After a thorough journey through the home-buying process, the moment has finally arrived for you to move in. Moving into a new home is not just a physical transition; it is an emotional and transformative experience. It signifies a fresh start, a place where memories will be made, and cherished moments will unfold. Welcome home!

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Final Thoughts

Buying a house in 2023 demands careful planning, financial readiness, and the support of a skilled real estate professional. By following the steps outlined above, you can approach the process with confidence, knowing that you have taken the necessary measures to make informed decisions and secure a home that aligns with your aspirations. Embrace the journey and cherish the anticipation of stepping into your own piece of paradise.

King & Edge Real Estate in Boise, Idaho

We are honored to have the opportunity to serve you and be a part of your real estate journey. Let us guide you towards a successful and rewarding experience, where your goals become our goals, and your vision becomes a reality. Contact us today and discover the unparalleled service and expertise that sets King & Edge Real Estate apart.


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